Friday, January 23, 2009


“For me, businesses are like buses. You stand on a corner and you don’t like where
the first bus is going? Wait ten minutes and take another. Don’t like that one? They’ll just keep coming. There’s no end to buses or businesses.”


Sheldon gary adelson is third richest person in United States. To my understanding, adelson’s strategy resembles similar to crane strategy.

Crane stands in lake like a sculpture, without any movement and watching the fishes crosses under its feet calmly. It waits patiently for a fatty fish, allowing tiny fishes to pass away. Once it finds such a fatty fish, without any mistake it hunts his prey. Crane has not only patience, but also has a clear knowledge of lakes where more number of fishes can be found.

What I understand from Sheldon gary adelson’s saying is that, for business, we need, not only patience, but also the skill to find a business from every opportunity we encounter. Business is like an art. Art needs practice. To master an art we need patience to practice. While practicing we get lot of experience. Preserving the experience develops skills. Skill leads to master an art.

Trade cycles carry plenty of opportunity with them. Only a few have the skill to find best in the worst, like warren buffet, bill gates, Sheldon gary adelson,…. Many leading internet businesses were started in period, when IT bubble burst happened. Now global economy is in recession. How many of us have ability to find best in the worst?

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